“NEW DIRECTION CHRISTIAN COUNSELING”A biblical approach in a world of secular perspectives …

Imagine a sparkling sunny day just waiting for you! 

As you step out into the light, you begin to see the clouds gradually hiding the sun, darkness comes, thunder and lightning and then pouring rain. 

Time rolls on then the sun begins to peak back through, and the billowing clouds slowly seem to find permission to enter the scene again. 

 The rain is still sprinkling through the light and suddenly, the rainbow is shimmering in the sky, and it takes your breath away. 

 God’s promise and faithfulness is celebrated again in its spectacular beauty.

In the same way, in life, we can find ourselves in the sun of success, seeing goals met and relationships filling our needs… 

Then the struggles and setbacks come, we feel despair and sadness, wondering how peace and joy could ever come… 

Thinking maybe we need a new direction in our soul. 

This emotional process is part of the human condition. We all are looking to have our needs met.

Sometimes we try to meet them in ways that hurt us and bring even more problems and grief. There is another way. 

A path that is healthy and fulfilling. God is waiting just around the rain clouds of life. Jesus Christ, God the Son sent by the Father. He made you and He understands what you are going through. He is able to meet the deepest needs of your heart. 

As you turn to Him in surrender, He is completely in tune with you with the promise of personal relationship with Him. With Him, hope and faith roll in. 

He is in the moment with you to give you the now with a new direction and a promising future. We have an all-powerful, good, and perfect friend in Jesus Christ. He has infinite wisdom for all of life’s struggles and storms. 

You will still experience the ups and downs of life, there is no carefree life of ease. But even in our trials, His plan for you is filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

You may be at a hard place in your life right now, struggling with self-inflicted problems or even issues totally out of your control. 

You may just want to know more about how to move forward. You may be open to a fresh perspective or to valuable personal growth. 

If any of this sounds like you, contact “New Direction Counseling” and find a listening ear and a helping heart. Your primary help will always be found in the Lord Jesus Christ because He made you, He loves you and you can hope in Him.

“It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” (Lamentations 3: 22-24)